Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The 222nd GA: Day 3

Day 3 at General Assembly for the commissioners is all committee work.  Committees met Sunday evening and got acquainted with some team building.  This morning they began with a Bible Study "Messy Tables" on 2 Samuel 9 with the questions who is invited to the table of decision making and power, and who sets the table, and why?  See Bible Study Materials here

The committee process:   Committees then hear from overture advocates, and those who sign up to speak for and against matters before the committee.  They often break into small groups to discuss what they have heard.  Then they launch into deliberation on the matters before them.  It’s interesting and sometimes painful to watch committee members and committee moderators flounder in parliamentary procedure.   Few are practiced in it.  They quickly get bogged down in process and procedures.   Amendments are made, substitutionary motions are made to replace the main motions.  Amendments and main motions are perfected.   It's easy to get lost in where they are.  Questions of clarifications are made.   The more tired they become, the slower they grind and the more clarity is needed.  Good moderators constantly state and restated what the committees are addressing at the moment, and guide them through the process.  Eventually they find their legs and rhythm.  The wonder is that the original overtures and study papers sent to the GA for action don’t just get approved yes or no.  They are amended, tweaked, “perfected,” in committees.  Then the plenary later can do the same.  We trust these elected commissioners, not the professional leaders such as myself, and staff, to discern the mind of Christ through the moving of the Holy Spirt.  It's a bit different than a Synod of Bishops.  One of the joys of observing GAs, is watching young and old live into their responsibility and power.  It is hard work.  Your prayers are appreciated.

I started my day with a breakfast with a group of those interested in Cuba.  The Rev Daniel Izquierdo, General Secretary of the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba addressed from his perspective the effects of the recent change in U.S./Cuban relations.  Then I attended Bible Study for those not on a committee with Richard Boyce, one of the authors of the Bible Study materials.  I stopped by the Face to Face room looking for Interim Pastor candidates for Big Rapids.  I joined a conversation with colleagues on the Search and Call Process.  Then I stopped by the committees our commissioners are serving to see if they were doing ok.  Then I floated among the Way Forward, Social Justice, Middle East Issues, Immigration and Environmental Committees.  I chatted at lunch with Leanne VanDyk.  She has had a fabulous year at Columbia Theological Seminary as their new president.  A panel of racial ethnic leaders at the luncheon challenged the white progressive audience to do our work in learning and understanding our white privilege.  They are tired of teaching us.   "Do your work, then talk with us."  There is an overture for a church wide conversation on Race.  There is a new awareness at this Assembly that we have a long way to go to address ethnic, racial iniquities.  


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