Monday, November 26, 2012

Advent Hope

We close a Church year with Thanksgiving and the celebration of Christ our King.  I thank God for this presbytery and its many gifted leaders.  May God bless your ministries richly as we begin anew this Advent Season.  Your presbytery staff holds you in our prayers. 

I commend to you two resources to enrich your Advent devotional reading.  One is a daily Advent devotional based on the lectionary prepared by the Israel/Palestinian Mission Network (IPMN) of the PCUSA.  The second is a weekly Advent Devotion prepared by the Presbyterian Earth Care and is in their newsletter.  You have to scrolled down to get to it.

These two resources provide different lens through which to look, ponder, wait and hope for the coming of our savior.  Let them stretch you and broaden your vision to the meaning of Christ’s incarnation this year.

A Blessed Advent/Christmas,


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