Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Committee Work

Having watched the General Assembly from a distance for most of my years in the church, one can get the idea that GA committees simply approve what they are given. Not! They are working here, pouring over overtures sent by presbyteries, considering study papers and reports written by task forces mandated by earlier assemblies, some of which have been working for four years. Yesterday the committees heard from overture advocates from the sending presbyteries and task forces who represent the diversity of the church. The committee engaged them with questions. Others can sign up to speak to the committees. Some committees have a lot of overtures to deal with. Some committees, like the New Form of Government Committee, have just that to deal with. Know that they are working here, fine tuning, editing, removing lines, rephrasing a line. Know that what is sent here is not just approved or disapproved, but molded and shaped by the process, with the belief that the Holy Spirit is working through the process of engagement with the subject at hand and discerning God's will. Watching can be exciting or boring depending on one's interest in the matter at hand. There is a lot of minutia, at least on Monday. Today, committees will have much more pressure as their time together is compressed.

Yesterday, I primarily visited ministers who are looking for new calls and representing the needs of the presbytery. Sharing faith and call stories, hearing the passions of clergy persons is always an energizing experience. It was a good day.

Grace and Peace
