Friday, June 24, 2016

222nd GA: Day 6

The plenary worked its way through its business.  I will not try to report all of its actions here.  You can read about GA actions at  and

I will simply note here that there has been an out pouring of love and respect for Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk, who is retiring after this Assembly.  Most actions have been passed by large majorities.  The Belhar Confession was passed Wednesday evening in an historic vote which confirmed the support of the Presbyteries to include it into our Book of Confessions.  Today, there is a strong emphases and support to address the racial inequities: to continue its the church efforts to dismantle racism within our denomination and the larger society;  and that the PC(USA) and its members apologize to United States citizens of Native American ancestry.

It's been a long hard day.  Pray for the energy of the commissioners as they continue their work.  They will elect a new stated clerk tomorrow morning.

Grace and Gratitude,

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