Wednesday, June 22, 2016

222nd GA: Day 4: Committees Complete Their Work

Day 4:
After getting their parliamentary feet under them, the committees really got to work today.  I am amazed at how committees work to amend matters that come before them.  We pray that the Holy Spirit works through them and this process to improve and strengthen to overtures.  Yes, compromises are made.  Advocates do not get all that they want.  The question is always, do the committees bend too much to appease?  Most committees completed their work by the end of the afternoon.  

What I really want to share today is a quote on partnership given to us to discuss at table at the World Mission Luncheon.  It speaks a truth I've experienced.  Individuals are stretched when we form a relationship with another, when we join a congregation, when we participate in a presbytery, synod or General Assembly, local or global mission. 

Quote:The most significant thing is the exchange of cultures....There is a whole lot of
cultural learning.  And we have been changed.  We have been transformed.  You know there is a saying: "When you meet the other, you get 'othered'."  That is very         important.  The fact that we met the other and we were influenced in one way or another by the other.  They were influenced.  I don't think Denver is as Denver was before they were in partnership with Zimbabwe.  Because they got "othered".  And we also, we are not the same, because we got  othered' by our partnership with Denver."  

                                Matorofa Mutonganavo, Moderator of the Presbytery of Zimbabwe                                               and Ecumenical Advisory Delegate to GA

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