One of the key questions I have been asked in my visits throughout Lake Michigan Presbytery is that of identity. Who are we Presbyterians? A beginning answer to that is that our spiritual lineage is Protestant and Reformed. Christians in the Reformed Tradition are celebrating John Calvin’s 500th birthday this year. John Calvin, who articulated a Reformed Theology in the 16th century in Geneva, was born on July 10, 1509. There are celebrations and events world wide. The March 23rd issue of Presbyterian Outlook lists a comprehensive list of these events including celebrations in Geneva May 24-June 3. I will be attending the Calvin in Retrospect at my almamater Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, May 6-8, in conjunction with my class 25th anniversary gathering. Other opportunities include: Calvin Jubilee at Montreat July 8-10 sponsored by the PCUSA office of theology and worship and Austin Seminary,
I took a course a few years ago with Dr. Ellen Babinsky, who is coming to Western in September, on the Medieval Roots of Protestant Spirituality. We studied four mystic Christian leaders who lived in the period prior to the Protestant Reformation. Then we considered Calvin’s writings and heard their voices and spiritual hunger and longing for mystical communion and union with God come through his words. The Scholastic/Reformed theologians who followed Calvin and my seminary professors missed this passionate spiritual side of Calvin. In addition to the intellectual “head” side of Calvin, which has marked us Presbyterians, is the passionate “heart” side which I believe we Presbyterians need to reclaim today. This other side of Calvin mostly ignored over the years by the church, originally gave the church its symbol for Calvin: the burning heart in the hand. Let us explore these roots of our identity. As we consider who we are, what God is calling us to be and do, there is at the core of our historic and theological roots a spiritual heart filled passion ready to be recovered, reclaimed, and restored. As you know we are reformed, and always reforming.
Good morning, John,
I appreciate this information and insight very much. Your blog adds an important educational process to our education and Christian growth. Thanks. Ron
Just this year I have had several questions about Calvin. When I realized this was the 500th birthday year I purchased the new video on the Legacy of John Calvin, and also a biography of John Calvin.
Thanks for publicizing these events, but you missed a big one. The Calvin Studies Society annual colloquium, which is the major academic gathering of Calvin scholars in the U.S., is opening right here in Grand Rapids tomorrow (April 16). Several Presbyterian are featured as speakers. The Thursday evening panel is open to the public.
Folks who can't make it to any of these events might still like to stop in at the Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, housed in the Calvin College library. The Center owns many rare Calvin volumes, and the staff is happy to show the resources to visitors.
Laura Smit
Thanks John, good stuff!
I always push Bill Bouwsma's JOHN CALVIN:A Sixteenth Century Portrait. It gives a far different Calvin than Leonard Trinerude tried to teach me in seminary. It makes it plain that affect trumps cognition. That is a hard truth for scholastics but the present day central nervous system researchers are making it obvious. Thanks again for this headsup. Dave McShane
I've just picked up the copy of a former professor's new work, Charles Partee, THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN CALVIN. Studying the INSTITUTES with Partee was one of the best courses I had in seminary.
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