To all the Saints in Lake Michigan Presbytery,
Your commissioners are working hard here in
The GA News service reports are being posted at our presbytery web site. Please check them. Know that I am not attempting to report all the GA actions: However some highlights of GA actions are:
· The Rev. Byron Wade was elected Vice Moderator. As a result, the moderator and vice moderator are both members of racial-ethnic groups. Both are young pastors, 39 and 45. Both were born and reared on the West Coast, though Wade now lives and works in
· Item 13-06. Approved to correct translation problems of the Heidelberg Catechism. A translation in the 1960’s added homosexual acts to a list of sins. This as was vigorously debated, and had the same attempt had been defeated at several previous Assemblies. It was a 33/26/2 recommendation from the committee, and the Assembly vote as similar.
· Item 13-07. Set in motion the process of the path of inclusion of the Belhar Confession into the Book of Confessions.
- Item 06-01. After several defeated amendments, sent, by a very strong vote, the revised Form of Government to the Presbyteries for study and recommendations, to appoint a new Revised Form of Government Task Force to include some from the present one, some members of the 218th GA FOG Committee. The Assembly sent 11 pages of comments to this Task Force. The sense is that this is our constitution, it is very important, but we need to move slow on this and considerate it well.
- Item 08.21 The committee helped the Presbyterian Foundation and the GAC come to a compromise solution for a means of resolving incidences when these two groups are in disagreement on the allocation of restricted funds.
- Item 03-20 The overture calling for creating a Presbyterian Office for the Prevention and Healing of Minister of Word and Sacrament Misconduct and Abuse was reworked by the committee and supported by the Assembly. To address this great concern, the OGA and GAC were given several mandates to address the concern through existing offices. The Assembly stood in silent prayer in solidarity with sexual misconduct victims.
Reflection: Again and again debate goes on with amendments after amendments made, debated, and voted on and defeated. Then the main motion recommended by a committee is passed by a very large majority. Meaning, 8 and 10% of the body causes the body to work long and hard to hear them out. Speeches to and against motions has now been limited to 1 minute by an act of the assembly. They are running about one business meeting behind schedule. Commissioners will have to learn to move along the debate, move the question...
Worship has focused on Micah 6:8 and in particular what it means “To walk humbly with God.” Today we heard the third sermon on this theme.
The Exhibit Hall has closed. Many of the crowds have dispersed as the Assembly has gone to its plenary work.
Looking Ahead. The energy level is running low. Several contended overtures are still ahead on the docket: an overture to redefine marriage, and another to strike G.6.0104b. Stay tuned. Keep praying.
Grace and Peace,