I hope your summer provided a refreshing break in routine. September can be a sprint through meetings and starting up programs for a new program year leaving one exhausted. During my first months as General Presbyter, a colleague reminded me. "This is a marathon, not a sprint." Leaders need to pace themselves and take care of themselves in order to be of help to others.
I plan to meet with my Synod colleagues on October 6-7. We meet twice a year. Then Fran Lane-Lawrence, stated clerk, Andy Thorburn, vice moderator, and I plan to attend the Association of Middle Council Leaders Conference, Association of Stated Clerks Conference, and Moderator's Conference in Louisville, October 26-28, followed by the Polity Conference October 28-November 1, sponsored by the Office of the General Assembly.
In between is a feast of retreat and workshop opportunities for you.
1. October 9-11, "God Provoke Us With Your Presence" Retreat with John Bell at Transformation Spirituality Center, Kalamazoo, for information and registration, click here
2. October 13, "Dear Christians...What Now" a workshop on race in America with Jennifer Harvey, author of "Dear White Christians" at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, MI, sponsored by the Ecumenical Center for Christian Leadership (ECCL), for information and registration, click here and scroll down
3. October 16-17, Presbytery Pastor & Lay Retreat, "Weaving Art & Spirituality Together" with Rev. Judi McMillan, who serves the First Presbyterian Church in Troy, Michigan, along with several workshop lead by members of Presbytery. This will also be at the St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, MI, sponsored by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan's Discipleship Ministry Team. For information and registration, click here.
4. October 18-20, GLAPCE Fall Retreat for Church Educators: "Still Waters, Come be Restored for your Ministries," at Geneva Center, Rochester, IN. For information and registration: http://www.glapce.com/
4. October 20-23, Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage Fall Retreat, at Lincoln Lake Camp, Greenville, MI. For more information, http://mppilgrimage.org/
Obviously no one person can attend all these, nor are you expected to. But know that we are blessed with a rich feast of retreat/learning opportunities set before us to enrich our ministries, and equip the ministries of those with whom we serve. These are not just for pastors, but for all disciples of Jesus Christ seeking spiritual manna, theological meat, ethical engagement with the issues which confront us today. The feast is set before us. For Presbytery Scholarship information and application: Click here.
Feast on! And my God make you a blessing!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
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