Wednesday, March 6, 2013

PC(USA World Mission, Getting Connected

PC(USA) World Mission, Church Support Associate, Bruce Whearty will visit Lake Michigan Presbytery, April 5-10!
How connected is your congregation with our PC(USA) World Mission?  Thirty Eight percent of your Shared Mission supports the Presbyterian Mission Agency.  Shared Mission support has steadily declined in Lake Michigan Presbytery as in many other presbyteries in recent years.  We claim "intentional mission" as a core value of Presbytery.  However, few members and congregational leaders are familiar with our church's world mission or have any relationship with our mission co-workers.  Recognizing this disconnect, the Presbyterian Mission Agency wants to remedy this by reconnecting congregations with our mission co-workers.  Bruce Whearty, formerly a mission co-worker in the South Pacific and Ethiopia, was recently called to serve as Congregation Support Associate to work with congregations to pair PC(USA) congregations with our PC(USA) mission co workers for prayer and support.  Bruce can help connect your congregation with a mission co-workers with similar passions.
What's a 'relationship' with a mission co-worker look like?  
  1. Prayer support. This might include prayers as part of worship services, or by PW circles, youth groups, mission committee members, or individuals.  
  2. Engage with the co-worker's ministry so that you learn what to pray for. This might include reading the co-worker's letters, following their blog and printing excerpts in the church newsletter, writing to the co-worker and sending birthday and Christmas cards, displaying photos on a bulletin board, listing the co-worker in the church bulletin, posting their u-tube video on your facebook page or web site.
  3. Financial support. This might include a regular line in the church budget, a suggested offering per member, or a collection on a particular day.
Bruce Whearty is scheduled to visit Lake Michigan Presbytery April 5-10.  He will preach at our April 9th Presbytery meeting in Mason.  Contact John Best, General Presbyter, to schedule a visit by Bruce with your congregation, session, mission committee, PW group, or youth event
( or 269-381-6337 ext. 301) .   Let's get reconnected!